my code-foo projects

coit tower heist

To find the amount of pokeballs that could fit in coit tower. You use the formula for figuring out how many spheres could fit in a container. Which is (filled space)/(volume of sphere). Where filled space is equal to (container volume) * (packing density). For spheres in a container the density you get from non-random packing is 74%. So only 26% of the space in the tower is empty space. So If you divide the towers filled volume by the volume of a pokeball, you get the aproximate number of pokeballs that could fit in the tower. If the balls where stored randomly the avarage filled space is equall to 64%, so 36% of the space would be empty space.

See the Pen COIT TOWER HEIST by blitz137 (@blitz137) on CodePen.

geralt's armor challenge

See the Pen aMVYEm by blitz137 (@blitz137) on CodePen.

For this problem I took a brute force approach. First I seperate the inventory based off of armor type. I loop through every possible combination of each armor type. At each combination find what values are not being used and then create extra list. Loop through every combination of armor plus extra piece. Find combination that does not exceed cost and has the highest armor value. That is the answer. This will work with any inventory. Check out my results!

Front End project

This is my front end solution. I followed the design as well as I could. I used fontawesome to match the icons closely. Not all content contained a thumbnail so I used placeholder images where necessary. If you click on the titles or images it will send you to the article or video on IGN's site! I noticed in most cases the urls for articles on your site are just the content type, date, and titles of the content. The api conveniently provides the slugs for the articles so I was able to add these together to get the url for the content. I'm very excited for you to see my work so please feel free to check it out and give constructive feedback! Thank You!

See full page >

about me

I'm 20 years old and from Texas. I learned the basics of coding a couple of years ago and in the last year I've started to learn about web-development. A friend of mine who does web-dev encouraged me to look into it and see if I would like it. I started learning html from codecademy and after a while I really started to love it. I am a largly self-taught programmer, who mostly used free online resources as well as some paid ones. I have even taken some college classes at the local college on programming basics in my pursuit of learning.

I enjoy reading a and video games a lot. I mostly prefer mystery stories and science fiction. I do read some philosophy and apologetics on occasion. When it comes to games I'm very torn on what's my favorite kind. I really love open shooters like far-cry, fall-out, and just cause. But I sometimes all I want to play is a suspense horror like outlast, alien isolation, or a resident evil title. I guess if I am playing solo I prefer open world shooters, because I can go wherever I want and do whatever I want. If I'm playing with friends online we'll ussually play something like call of duty(zombies, multiplayer, or blackout), apex legends, or rainbow 6 siege.

If I play a game with someone in person like my brother we'll typically play a solo-player horror game and just trade out the controller when one of us dies or reaches a new section. There so many differnet kinds of games it's hard to choose a favorite, but I love how they are so diverse. No matter what kind of mood I'm in or if I'm alone, with one person, or with several there's always a game to fit the occasion.

In my free time I am trying to learn how to make browser games. This would be the perfect combination of my passions and make a nice portfolio piece. I am currently re-building the website for a local chapter of a non-profit organization called the Dream Center. This is a very exciting opportunity for me. It contains lots of challenges and I am learning so much while being able help make a difference in my community. I hope to keep learning about web-development to improve my skills and use them to make a difference.

why i'm excited to work with you

IGN is one of the most reliable resources for game news. Anytime I want to look up something in the gaming community It's nice to know I can just add ign to my search and get reliable information. I often use IGN to get information on upcoming games, to look up reviews or the occasional walk-through when I get stuck. Video games and web-development are two of my greatest passions and working at IGN would be the perfect combination of those two. I will do my best to learn everything you have to teach me and bring my passion to my work.

It would be an amazing learning oppertunity and really help propell my development career. I would love to be apart of ign and help contribute to the growing community of IGN. I've aready learned from the initial projects so thank you for doing this program and taking the time to review my submission it means a lot to me.